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Professional Experience Summary

Dr. Carol Rupe has reviewed over 300 medical cases since 2005. Approximately 20% of the cases were for the defense with her determining in 94% of the cases that the standard of care was met, and determining the standard of care was not met in 6%.  Of the more than 250 cases she has reviewed for the plaintiff, Dr. Rupe found no breach in the standard of care in approximately 36% of the cases. In one case, a specialist was needed to determine if standard of care was not met.  As an expert, Dr. Carol Rupe has been deposed 90 times and testified at trial in 17 cases, 15 for the plaintiff and 2 for the defense. 

I have reviewed records from AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, D.C., FL, GA, IL, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, MO, MS, NC, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, and WV. I am registered as an expert witness with SEAK.  In the past, I was listed with ALM and JurisPro.

(This information was updated on June 7, 2021.)